//**Powder Coating Tutorial**// [[this>_media/wiki:Tutorial_Power_Coating.pdf|{{:wiki:icon_pdf.png?80|Power Coating}}]] **Provider:** Zhou Dong\\ **Last Update:** Jul. 2019\\ **Abstract:** This tutorial provides a detailed instruction of power coating. It can be used can insulate the bus bars and other components that require the insulation\\ \\ **Keyword:** Powder, Coating \\ **Indexing Keyword:** Powder Coating //**DSP General Tutorial**// [[this>_media/wiki:tutorial_dsp_general.pptx|{{:wiki:icon_ppt.png?50|dsp general}}]] [[this>_media/wiki:tutorial_dsp_samplecodes.zip|{{:wiki:icon_zip.png?50|dsp samplecodes}}]] **Provider:** Yiwei Ma\\ **Last Update:** Jul. 2018\\ **Abstract:** This tutorial introduces general knowledge about DSP, including how to start a dsp project, write program in CCS software, select memory and flash, ePWM function, external IO, plot graph from cached data, and some programming tips.\\ \\ **Keyword:** DSP, CCS \\ **Indexing Keyword:** DSP //**Inductor Design**// [[this>_media/wiki:tutorial_inductor_design.pptx|{{:wiki:icon_ppt.png?50|Inductor Design}}]] [[this>_media/wiki:tutorial_inductor_design_example.m|{{:wiki:icon_zip.png?50|Inductor Design Example Code}}]] **Provider:** Zhe Yang\\ **Last Update:** May 2019\\ **Abstract:** This tutorial provides a step-by-step procedure of designing an inductor with an air gap. There is also a Matlab example code.\\ \\ **Keyword:** Inductor, air gap, design \\ **Indexing Keyword:** Inductor Design